What lies beneath the masks I wear

Daniel Hoang
7 min readOct 20, 2023


Why do I wear a mask?

To fit within the social constructs of the society we created, one made with a set of rules, written and unspoken.

On a day-to-day basis, these masks help me fit in, navigate the system, and for the most part succeed and thrive.

Some masks are simple. I need to check out at the grocery store. I put on a smile, I say hi, swipe my credit card, and move on with my day.

Other masks weave many purposes: to take critical feedback, defend against conflict, and show up in systems that demand business acumen.

When we just go about our days, these masks do their jobs.

Then, suddenly, we slow down for a moment, and the cracks appear. The little sliver of light leaks through, and we see a tiny glimpse into what lies beneath.

Maybe it’s a little break in the day.

Maybe it’s someone that holds space for us for a moment.

Maybe it’s a global pandemic that shuts down the whole world.

Regardless, it’s always there, a little knock in our soul.

Most of the time, my masks keep that knock muffled.

Other times, the knock gets louder, the cracks get bigger, and the system of armour, walls, shields, and masks we build reveal weaknesses. The call becomes too great, and we get the support to walk up closer, to veer into the crack, and see…



Daniel Hoang

Former management consultant, on a journey of seeking through mental health and healing. Creator of digital and analog.